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60 AWESOME Questions To Increase Engagement On Social Media

Awesome Engagement is KING.

Not sure what engagements include? Engagements are all of those likes, comments, and shares that we love to see.

One thing that business owners can get stuck on is whether all social media posts need to be about their business.

The answer is…. NO! In fact, you may find that your most effective posts at generating engagement are ones that are completely unrelated to your business.

Of all the different types of posts I make, questions generate the most comments and likes.

Not only will asking questions help you increase engagement through more likes and comments, but questions start a conversation with your audience, allowing you to get to know one another on a deeper level.

SO… what are some ideas for getting people to respond?

We’ve generated some post ideas and questions to ask on social media to help get the conversation started.

Try some out and see what you think!

  1. What would you do with a million dollars?!
  2. What are your must-read books? Like, right now!
  3. What is your favorite time of the year?
  4. What’s your favorite holiday?
  5. Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  8. What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
  9. What is your biggest fear?
  10. What was the last thing you got really excited about?
  11. What is your superpower?
  12. What famous person in history would you love to meet?
  13. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
  14. What’s the one movie you could watch over and over again?
  15. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  16. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
  17. What was your first job?
  18. What was your first car?
  19. You just bought a lifetime supply of whatever you just bought, what was it?
  20. What 3 things are always within reach of your bed?
  21. Who inspires you to be better?
  22. Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
  23. What is one thing you strive to teach/show your kids?
  24. What one thing do you look forward to each day?
  25. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
  26. You just bought a lifetime supply of whatever you just bought, what was it?
  27. What is one thing on your bucket list you want to get ticked off this year?
  28. What is a product that you CANNOT live without?!
  29. What product are you currently obsessing about?
  30. What playlist are you listening to right now?
  31. What one item in your wardrobe can you not live without?
  32. Would you rather have 5 close friends or 10,000 facebook friends?
  33. Would you rather have $100,000 in real money or $1,000,000 in Amazon gift cards?
  34. Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?
  35. Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes music forever?
  36. Would you rather have 100K Facebook followers or 100K Twitter followers?
  37. Would you rather hike a mountain or lay on the beach?
  38. What five things could you not live without?
  39. What three things about the future excite you?
  40. If you had 1 day by yourself what would you do?
  41. What three words best describe you?
  42. Quiet night at home with a book or out on the town with friends?
  43. Snapchat or Instagram stories?
  44. City or country?
  45. Mountains or beach?
  46. Are you a saver or a spender?
  47. Margaritas frozen or on the rocks?
  48. Wine or beer?
  49. Pepsi or Coke?
  50. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
  51. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be and why?
  52. If you could interview one person in your field, who would it be?
  53. If you won the Powerball lottery, how would you spend your winnings?
  54. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  55. What one thing do you hope to accomplish this week?
  56. Who do you admire the most, and why?
  57. Work-life balance…is it an entrepreneur’s unicorn or no?
  58. How did you create your “work-life balance”?
  59. Are you an introvert or an extrovert, & how do you use it to your advantage?
  60. Who is an entrepreneur that you look up to?

These 60 social media questions are a great way to increase engagement, but they will only take you so far.

The fact is, you need a content calendar that strategically plans your social media content in advance.

A content calendar will save you hours of time planning out content and it will help you stay consistent, which is crucial to growing your following and increasing engagement.

Luckily, you don’t have to create your own content calendar from scratch.

If you want to make discovering and brainstorming content ideas even faster and EVERY month, then GRAB YOUR FREE TRIAL OF THE ULTIMATE CONTENT CALENDAR!

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