The Social Media Success Formula is a digital marketing strategy that has EVERYTHING you need to see dramatic results in your social media AWESOMENESS today!


Have a marketing team that works in house? Own a business and want to learn how to do it on your own? Our training programs are specific to each platform and will give you the confidence to create your own social media programs and develop strategies that work alongside the current algorithms.


I have gathered a team of professionals who are the best at what they do in the industry. From copywriting, graphic design, chatbots and social media management, you can trust that your social media is in good hands with the team of professionals we have working for you! 


Be inspired to be awesome! Working together we create and design a social media blueprint for you and your business. Then, we follow up with weekly coaching calls to keep you on track and guide you in the right direction. This will ensure that you have the desired level of awesomeness while you learn along the way.

Ever feel like you’ve run out of content ideas? Like you don’t have enough time to create, design and schedule your social media?

If you consistently feel like you are falling behind or running endlessly on the hamster wheel of social media …..

Awesome news! It doesn’t have to be that way!

Here is what you need:

  1. Content Creator
  2. Graphic Designer
  3. Social Media Strategist

Our Awesome 3 in 1 Calendar has built all 3 of these things into one! Are you ready for your social media BE AWESOME?


YouTube AwesomeNess


You want to vlog but don’t know where to start?

Can’t decide which of your million ideas to create a video about?

Wish you had more views?

You have a business or product you want to promote?

Want to start using video but worry you’re not good on camera?

You want higher converting ads for your business?


THe Social Media Success Formula delivers phenomenal results.

The one thing that comes across for every single company big or small is that an EFFECTIVE social media strategy is VITAL for the survival of a business today.


Founder: Social Media Awesomeness

The best part is you can do it too!

My content strategies have won multiple media awards, gotten me exclusive invitations to exciting events with the super rich and famous (Prince Harry and Donald Trump to name a few), and my content has been featured in numerous magazines and newspapers including the New York Times.  

Over the past 10 years I have run a boutique social media marketing agency out of Palm Beach, Florida. I have built successful product launches, improved sales funnels for lead generation, worked on presidential campaigns and created successful reputation management strategies for millionaires and I have never spent a dime on marketing my agency until now. 

Through organic content creation and an effective distribution strategy, I have positioned my agency as the best, in one of the most exciting places in the world to work in marketing.

I have developed efficient content strategies systems that have allowed me to run social media campaigns for demanding clients while I travel around the world for 6 months out of the year.

Today I am here to share those systems with you! I have opened up my social media toolkit and I am sharing with you the Social Media Awesomeness System that has brought me a level of success I never could have dreamed of when I started out 10 years ago. 

This level of success can be yours too! Are you ready to Be Awesome!


Meet The Team!



Laura has more than a decade of experience as an advertising copywriter and Creative Director. She has developed multi million dollar campaigns for clients of Social Media Awesomeness.


Graphic Designer

His work is guided by a strong belief in design as a problem-solving tool, as a way of recognizing and forming relationships between ideas and reality, and as a method for improving the connections between people and the products they use.


Digital Strategist

Mike help businesses innovate digitally to make money online. He has provided digital marketing and business consulting services to all types of businesses from lawyers and doctors to e-retailers and social media influencers.

We create work we love, and we believe in what we do.


For any inquiries please email

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