So you want to be a brand ambassador? You own a business? Or you are a professional athlete? Branding and marketing yourself in a social media friendly has never been easier! Today you easily have the opportunity to access fans and consumers that would have cost you thousands of dollars to access before by using a PR company.


Being famous on the internet is easy! Ask Kim Kardashian!

The good news is you can skip the PR company and dive right on into your social media marketing and branding.  First things first though, getting started you will need your own social media platforms that are separate of your personal page on Facebook for a variety of reasons. You can run ads, gather data and analytics and most importantly you have control over what people see instead of 5000 (which is your friend maximum) of your closest friend’s watching what you did on your family vacation.

In this video I will show you every detailed step you should go through in getting set up on Facebook. After that we can get into the Awesomeness!

Once you are all set up Click Here to Download my Facebook cheat sheet of the top 5 things you should be doing on your fan page daily!

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